And just found out!

He don't want to stop snapping my silly face...so I surrender.
*And sorry for my beserabuk(messy) hair, cos I didn't comb my hair whole day.
Don't be shocked pls; I know, it's a date.
Hope you won't mind Darl. Hehe~


And my merajuk face.
He said this is the best snap he ever had on me.

Salad is love.

K la k la, let him snap.

Yumm Yumm~
Owh yes it's my supper~
Obviously you can see from the photo...
that I'd getting MORE & MORE CHUBBY^^

Beh tahan laughing.

Hot chocolate~


Sleepy Darl

Erm we are allowed to "berpacaran" kan...?

The ambience, deco and everything is pretty artistry, it's consider quite famous at Kuantan. Food is affordable and nice.
Feel free to try it if you at Kuantan.
It's opening from 5pm to 2am.
Located at Jalan Besar, Kuantan.