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![]() |
you can get it for 1500usd ;) |
Triang polyclinic nurse did it, thumbs up! Cos my super tiny junctionss vein causes it vry hard to take blood... The nurse is friendly and they are efficient than my hometown's ... haha
I am lucky today cos dont have to go Temerloh so far to take blood...
He's 6months old today, and he just bac from observation ward for Xray and CT scan. .. its so indescribable for a mother :*(
now i know whats the real meaning of "healthy is wealthy"
take care everyone !!
Labels: Life
Its funny, sometimes we tend to compare much eventhough deep down we know clearly that many things are just incomparable.
Seriously babes, i miss our girls moment and aso our typical girls talk. When are we gonna have time to sit down for a tea or perhaps 2,3…or 4 glass of cocktails in between us?
Labels: thoughts
It's all about pretending, and sometimes...you will be amazed how good they can pretend.
Labels: Recommendation, Thinking
Labels: Pavilion
Gosh~ I ter-washed someone's SONY PSP into the washing machineeeee !!!!
I wouldn't ask people questions like "what do you think about my blog" because this is a place purely belongs to me. I shows what I like to show, says what I like to say. I know my blog isn't as attractive and interesting as those bloggers whom are pretty and rich. Well I guess many of us has the same envious towards them and sometimes, wishing we were them...too perhaps? Looking at those beautiful dining places and nightclubs with classy view and decors, it goes visually perfect as a great combination when there's groove parties or some live jazz band or classical musics, matching with the pretty alcoholics' gathering. And yet, most of the pretties will dress in super fine branded pieces to impress the photographers(and their camera's too?), or even the passerbys.
I may have the above once in a while; but I know the difference in between, coz now, I am just an ordinary woman, nourishing in the happiness of love and caring from her husband and her family. This is the most appreciated and also a gem in my life.
Now I know, how it feels when a mother is doing the breastfeed.
Now I know, how it feels when a mother worry her child 24/7...
Never know I could have done all these.
P/s: Daddy mummy, love you deep deep!!! <3
^_^ woohoooo! Freaking damn happy as we newly bought a Sharp Aquos LCD Tv :P
It's been a while I never update my to-do list. And just now when I revised them only I realized that "hey I forgot to follow up with my dentist!" :S
Redang trip checked.
Shanghai trip tak jadi follow parents cos I suddenly kahwin. LoL~

- a box of E Excel Refresh (60's)
- a box of E Excel Millennium
- a box of Lo Hong Ka Pearl Powder (90's)
- a box of Long Heh's Cordyceps RM302.50
- a box of Long Heh's Lactose RM138
- 1 set of Amway Post Natal Care
- 2 boxes of Lennox 5000mg Collagen
- Heme's Serum and Night Jelly
- Nilai - Collect my backdated magazines and Convocation's Photo
- Chanel Le Blanc TXC Concentrate
- Meiji Amino Collagen
- Shu Eumura UV Under Base Mousse
- Shu Eumura Face Architect Liquid Foundation
- Shu Eumura Gem Glam Glitter Pressed Eyeshadow (Gold)
- Shu Eumura Gem Glam Cream Eyeshawdow (Brown)
每一次看见别人分享当好男友或好老公条件之类的文章,我都会暗爽~.~ (呵呵) 因为文章里提及的他都有做到。。。 因为他会。。。 深夜里,不管他是被我在耳边嚷着肚子饿或是电话讯息吵醒。。。朦胧间醒来还是会煮东西给我吃或是回我信息.. 下雨天,同撑一把伞..他只顾着护我,自己的一半衣服是湿的.. 吃饭时,不会去点我不喜欢吃的食物(纵使他超爱吃),也愿意吃我吃不完的东西。。。 逛街时,会一直牵着我的手。。。而当我逛得起劲时突然被某商品吸引而走得很快,满身被挂的象圣诞树的他也在后面跟跟追追得不亦乐乎。。。或许,他已经脚酸。。。也他只关心我累不累。。。还怕我想买什么不敢说。。。 吵架时,他不会一走了之,更会放下面子无条件的哄我。。。 拥抱时,不管在哪里他都会拥抱得我很紧很紧。。。 玩闹时,他总是称赞我很可爱。。。 睡觉时,他会先哄我入睡再偷偷帮我做家务。。。每天风雨不改的趁我熟睡时,把我踢掉的被子盖好。。。结果让他总是睡得比我少。。。 当我心情低落时,他会对我不离不弃。。默默的在我身边关心我,鼓励我。。 当我身体不适时,他会很担心很着急。。 当我没有胃口时,他也会不开心。。。 他不抽烟,但有喝酒。就算外出应酬也会为了让我安心而少喝。 偶尔,他会陪我看他并不喜欢的sex and the city...coco avant chanel...CSI等等,并且会主动切水果给我吃,因为怕我切到手。 他会重复很多话,让我很烦。其实只为了关心笨笨的不会照顾自己的那个我。 他爱唱歌,即使常常忘词也会为我唱我喜欢的歌。更清楚知道我喜欢什么讨厌什么。 他对小孩很有爱心和耐心,也会在家里一起养小鱼和植物。 他从来不要求我怎么对他好;而他对我。。。却是无怨无悔。 他只把自己可爱的一面留给我和宝宝看。其实他成熟又不缺乏幽默,有男子气概但是不会大男人主义。而且我知道,天塌下来也有他为我顶着。 他听到我说减肥,就会故意弄很多好吃的,然后一直说我很好看,不需要减肥。 他会弄热水给我泡脚,因为老人家说这样会变得健康长寿。 他把我们的结婚照放在皮夹里。 不管多忙,他都会发信息告诉我他想我。也只会在我面前撒娇。 出外买衣服或吃饭,他都会先征求我的意见。 他常常会做好可口的早餐送到床边给我惊喜。 他爱吃醋,但绝不会因为吃醋和我闹不开心。 他说不清楚为什么爱我,可就是非常爱我,也不拿我和其他女人比较。 他会记得我们的日子,买花或小东西送我。 他比我还清楚我的特殊时期。 他不会乱花钱,但肯为老婆花钱。 他和朋友出去时,会记挂着家里的人妻而尽早回家陪她。 他对女孩子有风度,但也有距离。 24小时里我随时可以找到他,靠在他的肩膀时很安心也很温暖。 谈及我们的孩子以后叫什么名字,他会很兴奋。因为计划的未来里,我和宝宝才是最重要的。

Labels: Recommendation, Review

Labels: Product Review

Villa Daniella Resort - it’s somewhere located at Kelantan, Tok Bali. I have heard this resort ever since year 2007 when they were just newly established. This is definitely a memorable place for couples. I can say, all these interior design concepts meet the international standards and give you surprises. They have horse riding and a beautiful sea-view swimming pool. Yet, there’s Greece-look restaurant not only classy in visual but also emphasize their food presentation and tasty level!
It took us at least 45 minutes ride to reach the place. I adore the Kelantan’s paddy field along the way, as it just made me flash back my 6 years hectic yet simple school life. Yeap! My high school is surrounded by all these paddy field and yellow cow~~ J
The villas for 2 person starts from RM300, and the interior design already very beautiful! Each of the buildings are name by the owner’s parents and children. Sweet tak?

Labels: Love, Memory, Recommendation