"Are you a Malaysian?"
My friends from Yemen and Indonesia asked me the same question doubtfully. You could imagine how failure I’m, for being a local here. As obviously I need 2 foreigners to lead me the way to walk at Bukit Bintang =.= Forgive me, I couldn’t really differentiate the way to shopping malls among BB plaza, KL plaza, Isetan, Lot 10 & Sg Wang. Except Times Square, Low Yat, Pav & Starhill. Not because of what, as walking there making me scare someone will snatch my belongings, we have heard many cases since we were young.
They brought me to Sahara Tent Restaurant & Secret Recipe. However the Arabian Restaurant was nice, especially the ambience, we wanted to take many photos, but you know what, almost all the customers were laki-laki yang XXX and keep looking at us. Takdak mood nak ambil gambar dah la kannn -____- hemmph!!! I ordered Mandi Chicken for my brunch.

Oh I love the smell of spices~~~ *Slurpssssss* Owh but, thanks to the Banana fresh juices mixed with yoghurt from the Arabian restaurant, my stomach was something wrong until I need to rest everywhere, especially infront of Tang’s Store like an abandoned kid -__- (cos the guard keep looking at me). As I just keep on suddenly feels like vomiting until I can’t walk (few times inside Pavilion), and I don’t want my friends get starved or bored because of me as I just no idea when the pain gonna relieves and comes back, so I asked them just go for dinner first and leave me there as I’m INDEPENDENT. They have already tried to find me a place for twice at Times Square and Pavilion, so sorry for being so troublesome Mahmood and Sandra. What to do...I'm a weak child T_T
Can’t get yoga pants at Times Square, bought a casual wedges flip flops~~ I was keep buying water water and water from Times Square to Pavilion to comfort my stomach.
Okay, bought a pearls ring for myself, a nail strengthener and a nail color *Happified* and of course, Sandra bought ROXY luggage bag :O but I was unable to buy my perfume and fake eyelash (As I keep sitting on the area specially for men to wait their partners for shopping =.=). Will buy it one shot after I advance my salary mwahahhahaa~~~~
Went Secret Recipe, yea nothing to mention it’s just a very common restaurant rite. Funny thing is Sandra is allowed to order the Kid’s Meal Burger!!!! So cute!!! And naughty me eat beef noodles since I’ve been craved for Vietnamese Food for sooo lonnnggggg~~~ Yumm Yumm~~~

This branch so so onli... somemore got flies!!!
We back afterwards. Checked the Altec Lansing Speakers that I want, it's under my budget^^ Yay~
Thanks for Mahmood Galaxy Chocolate for first time meeting me and Sandra, it’s hard to get in Malaysia and nice. Sandra promised to bring me back as a gift to me when she’s going to Yemen! *Sweet* But girl I'll be more excited to see the picture you wearing the whole Arabian Black Dress when you travel at Yemen LOL